Sunday, October 15, 2006


A utility to me is an absolute necessity. I could not live without water or electricity. Can you imagine how people in the stone ages must have struggled? Although they knew no better so struggle without these utilities was not a topic of conversation for them. But, I'm sure if they were without fire they would have surely called this a struggle. They did not have the technology that we live with today but they did have a roof over their heads, being the caves they lived in. They had tools to kill their animals for food, which they were able to skin and thereafter make clothing. They made fires by rubbing sticks together. They lived near water resources and enjoyed untouched plantations with loads of natural fruits. They may not have had fridges and stoves and washing machines and vehicles and so on, but they also did not have the stress that goes with all these gadgets that are so necessary in our lives today. They had so much to be thankful for, but, were they like so many today, did they gives thanks, or did they just take it all for granted? Where do you fit in, do you take your utilities and all you have in your life for granted? Do you ever sit and wonder how come you are blessed to have what you have after seeing beggars in the street with nothing, knowing that they have worked just as hard as you have? Have you ever given thanks to God and reaped His appreciation for your acknowledgement? If not then just try, give thanks for everything, even the air that you breathe, you will certainly be richer than you have ever been before. God gives us so much and deserves our appreciation. Don't you want to give more when someone thanks and affirms you, well God is no different. Make Him the centre of your life, thank Him for where you are today, for everything you have, and watch His response, you will never look back and will appreciate your 'utility' filled life like you never have before.

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