Monday, October 23, 2006

Trust me!

When we live our lives according to our will, we inevitably fall a lot, and sometimes we cause others to fall too. You know that saying, “What goes around comes around,” well, it’s for real, trust me. There are incidents in my life that I am not proud to talk about, incidents that I would rather lock in a lost, and never to be found again, cupboard. It’s true in addition, that for every action there is a consequence, and often, when we live without God’s lead, that consequence can be harsh. Trust me, I know, I have been there, and it’s not pleasant at all. God does not punish us because He is a loving God, however, if we live out of His will, He allows us to fall in the hope that we will turn to Him for help. I did just that, and my miserable existence changed to a real life with God. However, just because I have put God in control of my life and Him first, does not mean that I have fallen away from the consequences I earned, on the contrary. I still pay for the life I led, but instead of it being endlessly painful, God helps me to understand the why’s, and fills my heart with understanding, and a deeper love and desire to live for Him. I live according to His will to the best of my abilities, and because of that, even when I do falter, because I do, He’s there to catch me, trust me. Living according to God’s will is the only way to live, that’s if you desire a real life. I am there, in that place with God right now, and loving it, trust me!

It’s true what they say in life
What goes around comes around
So why not save yourself the strife
Of doing bad when it will rebound
Rather sow good into all that you do
And benefit from the wonderful return
You will feel happiness shine through
And a love for peace you will yearn

Isaiah 32:20 (NKJV)
"Blessed are you who sow beside all waters”
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