I'd like to introduce you to our control freaks. Simba, who is older and a Zimbabwean, is the black and white cat. Kiara, who is South African, is the white cat. Both are manx cats and both know that they have us twisted around their little paws. They are delightfully gorgeous and know how and when to look ever so cute. Just like any other cat, they laze around all day doing nothing and then at night they work hard at getting as many "ah cutes" or "ah sweets" as possible. They give themselves up for as much kissing and cuddling we
require and then they let us know they have had enough and that it is bed time . They then take themselves off to bed, it is so adorable. Without a doubt, they rule. Then there's Misty, our Cocker Spaniel who would like to rule. Misty is a Zimbabwean too and has seen better years. She is totally deaf but has a good nose for good food. She is such a loyal old girl although her best form of attack would be sniffing you to death. She is so gorgeous and knows it. Simba and Misty came over from Zimbabwe with us and two other friends, Pepe and Narla. Narla was our other Manx cat who had the misfortune of being ripped open by our new neighbor's dogs. He was alive when I found him, in their back room where they had left him in a tin bath, but because his intestines had been exposed for approximately 7 hours, poison set in and he died two days later. Then my 14 year old Maltese Poodle Pepe had a stroke and developed a cancerous tumor so we had no choice but to terminate his life. Both these losses caused much anguish but we give God thanks for allowing us these cuddly creations. I have learnt through these sad losses that above all, God must be our first and foremost love, otherwise, He may create situations to put Himself where He rightfully belongs, causing pain but more so, a much needed reality check. This poem was written as I was inspired and in awe at God's amazing intricate creations. Can you imagine that there is no blade of grass the same as another, no leaf has identical veins and not one human is exactly the same. This realization is one that never fails to amaze me, how almighty and creative our Father in heaven is.
"The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord"
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