Wednesday, November 15, 2006

It's about what you are, not what you got!

So often in life, we look at others for what they have. We see a man driving the latest mercedes and we assume that he has class, that he would offer etiquette, good manners and of course the know how on everything you need to know. He looks clean shaven and dresses in a way that impresses you further. Wow, you look on as if he is some sort of hero. The girls look on and can only wish in their dreams.

Then you see a man in rags, no shoes and his hair is so matted. Probably has not had a bath for months. You look at him with disgust. Your thoughts are probably to move away from him as fast as possible. You envisage germs jumping from him as he stands across on the road, onto you. You think that he is in this position because he knows nothing, he probably has no manners and look at him, definitely no etiquette. The girls look on with disgust and move away as fast as possible.

I wonder what would happen if you put them into a room, talked to them, questioned their values, their beliefs, their dreams? What would you learn, how would you feel, who would win your heart?

Think about it, first impressions can be very deceiving and this is often what causes many to fall. So maybe you should look further and deeper and see who they are, before you judge them on what they got.

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