Thursday, February 01, 2007


Have you ever felt butterflies after doing something new.

Like say for example you're an artist who does portraits, and have done many upon request without any inhibitions. You feel confident in doing that because its what you're used to. However, you do it for basically nothing and for people you know, like a hobby almost.

Then you decide that you want to further yourself with this awesome gift that God has given you and make a career out of it. So you arrange for a public viewing and you send invitations to acquaintances and some you know. You do that with a note attached saying " no obligation but please let me know if you are not interested".

All of a sudden you feel butterflies because this is new to you and maybe there will be many that say, "not interested". Its a horrible feeling.

Well, I did just that today. I sent out my first weekly devotional to many in my address book with a note saying, "if you are not interested then please just send a 'no thanks' because there is no obligation". Wow, the butterflies have been there all day because suddenly I feel that I am doing something that is actually not good enough to share.

But you know what, I have overcome that feeling because God reminded me that it is not a 'self' thing that I am involved in. It is a gift from Him and He is my author so what are the butterflies for? He would never allow me to send out work and embarrass myself. I trust in His comfort and will not be bothered if 90% of my recipients say "no thanks', because its their loss, not mine. Its inspirational words from God which He has given me the honor to share.

So, the way I look at it now is, the butterflies don't belong to me, they belong to anyone that will deny themselves a little spiritual uplifting and a weekly bible reading. I did not write the bible and its not about me either, its about God, His Son and Holy Spirit. Anyone who does not feel the need to delve into His word is missing out on their hope in Him!

1 comment:

Bonnie W said...


It takes a lot of courage to step out of your comfort zone and begin to share your writing! I once worked for a newspaper as a staff writier. The first time my boss came to me and said my articles were on the front page, I panicked and wanted to hide under my desk! I do understand - keep writing!
God bless,